Kelly Ranallo is a healthcare business entrepreneur, long-term parent advocate and the Founder/President of the Turner Syndrome Global Alliance (TSGA). She has a teenage daughter who was diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) in 2006 and was inspired to join the nonprofit world to advocate for girls, women and families with TS. In partnership with Children’s Mercy Kansas City through her position on the Family Advisory Board (FAB), Kelly set about building a Turner Syndrome Clinic from within the hospital to address the unmet needs of families in and around the Midwest. The Great HeighTS Clinic opened in 2010 and has since become a national model for the development of 38 pediatric-based clinics across the country. In July of 2018, the TSGA went on to partner with the University of Kansas Hospital to launch the first of its kind adult TS specialty clinic to advance the transition of care and research development across the lifespan.
As a globally recognized Rare Disease advocate, Kelly went on to build RareKC in 2015. RareKC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established to accelerate the diagnosis, care and treatment of rare conditions through patient driven collaboration and innovation. As the recipient of the Global Genes Champion of Hope in Advocacy collaboration, RareKC has become a nationally recognized model of collaboration to advance care and research innovation for the 30 million Americans impacted by a rare condition. In an effort to better understand the role and innovation behind drug discovery and industry partnership, Kelly accepted a position with Sanofi Genzyme in 2016 where she works to integrate the voice and experience of the patient and family throughout the organization.